Maintenance is a critical investment to make. It plays a key role in the life expectancy of your roof, as well as annual repair costs. Warranties insure the cost of damages for a period of time. However, they do not come with a maintenance program. A program like this works to extend a roof’s life cycle. The benefits of this approach become obvious to you once your warranty period has ended, as you must cover the cost of damages after that point. If you purchase a car with a warranty you are still going to change the oil and maintain it, despite the fact that it is under warranty. A roof should be maintained in the same way while it is under warranty.
Not only does roof maintenance extend the life cycle, it also reduces annual repair costs. Most obvious are the repair costs associated with the roof. However, damages of most concern are the ones that occur to the interior of the building or to the building structure. A building’s envelope (roof and exterior shell) is its first defence. If that is compromised it means that all of the other building systems are put at risk, such as drywall, electrical and flooring. For example, having somebody unplug a clogged drain (maintenance) is relatively inexpensive. While having somebody repair brick and mortar damages that occurred because the water was not drained properly can be extremely expensive.
Maintenance Program
To seal storm collars on cones
To install missing cone caps
To fill mastic pans
To refasten loose sheet metal flashings
To seal joints in sheet metal flashings
To seal HVAC units and related duct work
To clean out all drains strainers
To replace missing drain strainers
To repair ridged and blistered roof membranes
To cover bare roof membranes
To remove and dispose of all debris on roof
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Service Areas
Toronto (GTA)
North York
Richmond Hill
Maintenance will extend a roof’s life cycle however all roofs will eventually break down. It is inevitable that you will need to repair your roof sometime before you replace it. Since roof damages risk the integrity of the entire building, we take them seriously. We treat all of our repair calls as emergency repairs.